Pure silver Bullion coins are Minted in Australia by the Perth
mint in western Australia
These silver coins are 99.9% pure silver and therefore are
tax free with no GST
Other countries bullion coins are also tax free if these are
pure silver like Canada and USA
But many European countries have 640 to 925 silver and these
are not tax free.
Also if silver coin is box d in packaging they are not tax
free and GST has to be added
This is why bullion coins are so popular for collectors and
investors plus the fact you have an uncirculated coin to own
Most popular coin is the one ounce coin and also 5 and 10 oz
and one kilo silver coin are popular with investors
Also Australia bullion coins are renown worldwide for their
detailed workmanship and the 1,000 tonne press mints huge volumes for the world
s bullion coin collectors
Many people today do not realise the war debt w e had after
WW2 so that was reason for silver coins to drop from 92.55 silver to 50 5 silver and many European countries
had to do the same
Than when w e changed to decimal in 1966 our mint mad e mistake
of not calculating increase in silver process so when the .50 cent silver coin was
minted it was worth more than its legal face value
So most went overseas to be melted .Not many counties have
ever made this mistake and today bullion silver prices are exact on day of