Published at 10th Apr 2018
Modified at 10th Apr 2018
Commemorative Silver coins
Commemorative Silver coins
Silver coins are also popular as commemorative issues from sterling silver .925 silver to variety from .500 silver. These silver coins are minted to commemorate a special occasion such as wedding ,Jubilee or thematic
. Many countries mint these silver coins purely for income practically pacific or Caribbean nations and many collectors do not collect these coins for this reason but the Franklin mint has specialized in these are some coins with high silver content are now in demand. Britain and its colonies have also been prolific in these commemorative coins such as Lady Diana and these are highly collectible.
England produced Silver Sovereign coins up to early 1960 and many
countries produced commemorative silver coin sets
Panama Proof silver Balboa coins of 1975 have nine coins of 6 ounces of silver and the 20 balboa has 3.8544 ounces silver. Many of these coins have been melted down in past silver peaks so highly collectible now.
Modern silver coins Silver out performed gold by 46% over the last 3 years to May2010-06-27 with new emerging countries such as china n India now entering the market to promote new silver coins as collectibles in their countries to new technologies using more silver in electronics and new batteries for electric cars to less silver production in that the laws of supply and demand will keep increasing pressure for price increase for silver coins.
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For the last 100 years silver has traded at ratio of 45:1 In 1968-80 in last silver bubble silver traded at ration 15:1 at $50 per ounce Silver has always lagged behind silver in price increase but today it is considered a safe haven for investors Mints around the world are reporting huge increase in silver coinage mintages.
in Australia the Perth mint coins state that in 2010 European account for 69% of silver sales as these buyers are deeply concerned about the Euro Silver fabrication did fall in 2009 due to world financial crisis which led to less demand for goods that used silver in their manufacture. also silver used in jewelry was down due to this reason ,but not so for silver coin demand.
Silver Mining supply Silver mining production was up 4% in 2009 to new high record of 706.9 million ounces. Largest silver producer Peru mined 123.9 million ounces followed by Mexico with 104.70 ounces and China third with 89.1 million ounces. Top company in the world mining silver is Australian company BHP Billiton with 42 million ounces
Commemorative Sterling Coins Sterling silver usually consists of (.925 fineness), or (92.5%) commemorative silver coins that were produced by the Australian Mint in the middle of 1980s and 1990s like bird series, state series, and rare animals, generally with a face value of $10. For some silver stacking purposes, these certain issues are best evaded, mostly due to their unattractiveness with some silver investors. They consist of a high-quality face value in relation to their essential value, yet not too famous.
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