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14/10/2024 11:33 am

1973 Silver Canadian Mounted Police Horse Coin

CO 1636
Dimensiones (mm)
38.000 x 38.000 x 2.000mm
Peso (gramo)
Silver Coins

  • ONE-YEAR-ONLY COMMEMORATIVE ISSUE – This commemorative coin was struck for only one year in 1973 to mark the centennial of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. It features a Mountie and his horse on the reverse and the effigy of Queen Elizabeth II on the obverse.

  • STRUCK IN FINE SILVER – Each 1973 Canada Mountie Silver Dollar was struck in 23.33 grams of 50% fine silver and measures 36 mm in diameter.

  • CANADIAN LEGAL TENDER – These 1973 Canada Mountie Commemorative Silver Dollars are $1 legal tender in Canada.

  • PROOF-LIKE CONDITION – Your 1973 Canada Mountie Commemorative Silver Dollar comes in stunning Proof-Like (PL) condition.

  • LIMITED EDITION – The 1973 Canada Mountie Commemorative Silver Dollar has a limited mintage of 904,723 coins.

Canada’s one-year-only 1973 Mountie Silver Dollar Commemorative Proof-Like celebrates the Centennial of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. It’s hard to find South of Canada’s borde

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At Opal Plus, we specialize in GOLD bars and Gold Coins, available for direct deposit purchases only. The journey began for Wayne and Estela Sedawie back in 1988 when they resided in Perth, Western Australia. Their passion for coins led them to frequent visits to the Perth Mint, where they began building their private collection of Silver and Gold coins. In 2007, Opal Plus was honored with the appointment as a distributor for Perth Mint coins, which are exclusively offered on our site under the trading name Coins Plus. With over 10,000 PayPal payments processed and shipped, we take pride in providing a seamless transaction experience. With more than two decades of experience, Wayne and Estela are well-versed in recommending Perth Mint coins for both enjoyment and investment purposes. Trust Opal Plus for your GOLD coin purchases, available through direct wire transfer for your convenience.
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3761 de comentarios

  • tvland00

    Beautiful coin, received fast, great inventory...will do biz with again.

  • tvland00

    Beautiful coin, received fast, great inventory...will do biz with again.

  • tvland00

    Beautiful coin, received fast, great inventory...will do biz with again.

  • tvland00

    Beautiful gold, received fast, great inventory...will do biz with again.

  • swp088

    added this to my collection. love it. thank you!

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Descripción general

Tipo de listado : Standard
ID del Producto : 22642
Precio inicial : $1
Empieza : 16th September 2024 11:33 am AEST
Finaliza : 14th October 2024 11:33 am AEST
* Todos los precios están en :moneda