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10/02/2021 07:28 am

Isle Of Man 2004 Tonkinese Cat coin CO 1125


Dimenzije (mm)
x x mm
Težina (g)
Silver Coins
Mint/Proof Coins
Pobjoy Mint

Legal tender coin of the Isle of Man
•  Uncirculated Cupro Nickel,
• 1 crown 38 mm diameter

Each year since 1988, collectors around the world eagerly anticipate the release of the new Cat coin from the Isle of Man. It is among the world’s most popular coins, in part because each year’s coin features a new, one-time-only design highlighting a different breed of cat.

The 2004 edition of the popular Cat coin series features a relatively new breed - the Tonkinese, affectionately known as "Tonks" - which is already winning hearts and owners around the world. A cross between Siamese and Burmese, the Tonkinese combines the best features of both breeds - warm, loving and highly intelligent. It also has an incredible memory and sharp senses almost akin to radar.his coin bears a finely detailed reverse design depicting two Tonkinese kittens enthralled by the antics of a butterfly.



Pobjoy Mint was established in the middle ages in Great Britain and today makes superior coins for special commemoratives and for governments.

Pobjoy has reputation as top coin designer and coin dieing techniques and for top quality packaging.


The Pobjoy family has been associated with fine metalwork since the Middle Ages. The Company was recently granted permission to use the family Coat of Arms in which the Medieval Popinjay is the central motif. The Popinjay was a painted wooden parrot used in archery contests in the 14th century and the name Pobjoy is derived from this. The Latin motto 'OCULO CERTO' means 'with an unerring eye' and applies equally to the ancestor's prowess as a marksman, as to the Company's reputation for the high quality and precision of its products. Over the past three centuries, the Company has been involved in many diverse fields, but they have always been involved in metal, both base and precious. During World War II Pobjoy Aero Engineering was involved in the manufacturing of the famous Spitfire wings. The Company is now the largest private Mint in Europe.


Pružatelj usluge dostave Dostava Australia Dostava u ostatak svijeta
FedEx $12.00 / 3 $39.00 / 7
FedEx je snižen na $12.00 na narudžbe s 2 ili više artikala
Ostatak svijeta
FedEx je snižen na $39.00 na narudžbe s 2 ili više artikala
Registered Shipping $9.00 / 7 $16.00 / 14
Registered Shipping je snižen na $9.00 na narudžbe s 2 ili više artikala
Ostatak svijeta
Registered Shipping je snižen na $16.00 na narudžbe s 2 ili više artikala

Isle Of Man 2004 Tonkinese  Cat coin CO 1125
Qld 4218, Australia
U vlasništvu coinsplus

Povijest ponuda (1)
prije 4 godine


Program Coin Sheriff omogućuje našim članovima da zatraže reviziju bilo kojeg proizvoda, koju dovršava neovisna Numismatic Specialist koja procjenjuje točnost opisa artikla i slika.

Detalji dostave

$39.00 7 days putem FedEx
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  • paypal


Vrsta unosa : Standard
Identifikacijski broj proizvoda : 5953
Početna ponuda : $17
Počinje : 8th February 2021 04:00 pm AEST
Završava : 10th February 2021 07:28 am AEST
* Sve cijene su u USD