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10/07/2024 01:18 pm

Valerian I Silver 253-260 AD Antonius Bullion Roman Imperial Coin AE3 F

Dimensions (mm)
20.000 x 20.000 x 1.000mm
Weight (g)

Valerian I

Valerian I was a Roman emperor from 253 to spring 260 AD. He persecuted Christians and was later taken captive by the Persian emperor Shapur I after the Battle of Edessa, becoming the first Roman emperor to be captured as a prisoner of war, causing shock and instability throughout the Roman Empire.

MINTED: Antioch mint, AD 258-260

REF: RIC 287 (Antioch); AHG 115 (this coin); Göbl MIR 1700a (Samosata)

OBVERSE: IMP C P LIC VALERIANVS P F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right.

REVERSE: RESTITVT ORIENTIS, turreted female (the Orient) standing right presenting wreath to the Emperor who is standing half left and holding spear.

Weight: 3.3g

Roman bullion coins

This term is applied to coins of silver mixed with much copper alloy, or to copper with a small alloy of silver.

From the reign of Gallienus to that of Claudius II (ad 253 to 270), almost all the coins were made of bullion.

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$16.00 21 days via Registered Shipping
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Listing Type : Standard
Product ID : 22189
Estimated RRP : $87.00
Starting Bid : $1
Starts : 24th June 2024 01:18 pm AEST
Ends : 10th July 2024 01:18 pm AEST
* All prices are in USD